Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

MISSION FAILURE (Marielle Cortez Still)

Mundur semua prajuriiit!!!!! Misi gagal!!!!
Ini bukan perang bersenjata, bukan juga perang melawan teroris.
Ini bukan misi mata - mata yang sangat berbahaya, ataupun misi pengamanan pejabat negara.
Ini cuma usaha saya untuk move on dari Marielle Cortez. Ternyataaaaaa -_-
Hahahaha saya gagal move on dari dia.
Apa penyebabnya?
Pas saya search di google images, dengan keyword marielle cortez entah kenapa foto orang ini juga ikut muncul

My Goood!!!! Kenapa bisa foto saya muncul? -_-
Terus dia baru upload video covernya terbaru
Kali ini dia meng-cover lagunya Lewis Watson judulnya Bones
Siapa lagi tuh Lewis Watson -_-
Pertama denger sih yaaa asing banget, ga langsung suka
Kedua kalinya yaaa lumayan lah lagunya
Ini nih videonya
Maaf, saya tidak bisa langsung tempel videonya
Di blogger belum terdeteksi tuh videonya :(
Baru kemarin sih dia nguploadnya
Ceritanya aku maksa dia buat jawabin mention saya
Tapi ga dijawab juga sampai sekarang :(
Dan di akhir videonya yang baru itu ada sedikit potongan dia cover lagu Lewis Watson juga judulnya It Could be Better
Nah itu tuh yang bikin aku GR.
Seakan akan dia ngejawab aku
Gini lirik lagunya

I don't wanna talk
'Cause it'll only hurt more
I don't wanna bring it up again
'Cause it hurt like hell before
You know me too well
You make my head spin and I'll just say something wrong
You pull me out of my shell and then hate me when i'm done

Seakan - akan dia jawab kalau dia ga mau respon aku takut kalau dia salah ngomong
Dia takut kalau kata - katanya bikin aku sakit hati (GR Bangeeeeet)
Dia seperti ngomong kalau aku tuh ngenal dia terlalu baik
Dia takut kalau aku tau dia yang sebenarnya, aku bakalan benci dia.
 Maaf atas ke-GR-an saya yang terlalu berlebihan.

Dia bilang dia bakalan upload lagu originalnya.
Kan aku pernah tanya soal lagu original dia
Sepertinya dia jawab pertanyaanku deh (GR lagi :p)

Dan begitulah tulisan ini berakhir dengan GR yang begitu luar biasa -_- .
Wassalam. Selamat Malam :p

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Old Song Effect

Where are you?
I remember when the first time I met you all.
Remember when we going crazy
Punkrock song on my head and I held you all tight
Held the warmness like there's no tomorrow :)
Now, we are in the our own way
We are never say goodbye
Because we couldn't be separated
Yeah, we could meet again whenever we want
But it wouldn't be the same like the day we were together
You are the place my mind stuck in
Hope wouldn't be there's "Old Friends" term
Wish we are friends forever, though nothing will be "forever" :)
When I wrote this shit, my adrenalin is going wild
The same situation when I discovered new thing with you
The story before the story
Everything's changed
Our old question start to unfold
Question of "Who Will We Be"
From now on just there are my world and your world
Not "Ours" again :)
Something must be changed
Something need to be changed
So do we
Where are you friends?
It feels like something ripping my chest
We never made promises that we have to be meet again someday
But my heart did :)
Perhaps, this all shit could be called MISS
Now, you're different person
Now, I'm different person
But you know one thing that will always be the same
Our feelings of our memories :)
You got me heart
You got me love
Thank's for all the joy in the good times and the bad
So goodbye 'till we meet again~

I'm sorry for my shallow English :)

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013


Hai hai hai.
Kali ini aku pake Bahasa Indonesia yang kurang baku aja yee.
Gini nih, 29 Mei di kotaku Lumajang tercinta, bakalan ada pemilihan bupati nih.
Nah aku sekarang lagi jadi karyawan di suatu percetakan banner, kebanyakan tim sukses atau para relawan atau anggota partai atau apalah sebutan orang yang mendukung calon bupati sering pesen banner di tempatku kerja tuh.
Ada setidaknya beberapa poin yang masuk pengamatanku.
Hampir semua orang yang berkecimpung di dunia politik nggak asik. Kenapa?
Gini nih, aku kan jadi desainer nih di tempatku kerja, otomatis aku yang nglayanin mereka yang pengen buat banner yang isinya foto calon bupati itu.
Nah, masalahnya hampir semua orang orang itu pengennya bagus, cepet, murah. What the helll!!!
Hampir semuanya juga bawel soal disain. Udah aku bagus bagusin kayak yang aku lihat di mbah google, malah minta diubah seperti maunya dia. Jadinya ga karuan braaaddd.
Selain itu soal foto nih, dia pas foto pakenya jas yang agak lusuh, minta dibagusin. Ow My God! Tidak Banda!
Beda sama orang orang yang bikin banner buat usahanya seperti buat jual es degan, mereka bilang, "terserah samean wes mas yaopo apike, rak ngertian samean timbang aku" Nah kan kalau gitu enak, aku kerjanya enteng, dia dapetnya juga bagus.
Kalo orang orang politik mah ribet. Desainnya lama banget, hasilnya ya gitu gitu aja. Mana ga tau waktu, jam 12 siang pas waktunya istirahat, malah datang. Ow my God!
Jam 12 Siang datang, jam 1 baru selesai desain, jam istirahat udah habis dah. Mana bisa gemuk nih, ga sempet makan siang.
Yaaa dia ngakunya wakil rakyat, malah nggak pengertian sama rakyat. Go to hell dude!
Kalau yang pesen cewek nih, ibu ibu maksudnya. Dia pake kerudung, kerudungnya ga simetris, minta di-simetris-in. Oh c'mon man!!!!
Wajah minta dicerahin, oh my!! Fake
Untung ga minta wajahnya diganti wajah artis.
Nah yang aku heranin, buat apa pesen banner atau sticker segitu banyaknya.
Ditempelin di mana mana, di pohon pinggir jalan, nyakitin mata.
Kata Mas Wahyu Aditya, itu yang bikin kecelakaan.
Lihat wajah bapak bapak yang bisa dibilang nggak cakep lagi, bikin ga konsen, bikin nggrundel dalam hati, bikin mata sepet.
Banner banner ditempelin ngrusak keindahan kota.
Terus kalau aku nih ya, orang yang nggak ngerti dunia politik, seberapa banyakpun mereka nempel banner atau sticker, nggak akan bikin aku milih dia.
Terus nih ya, calon calon bupati ataupun calon presiden atau apapun itu narsis, dan bisa dibilang sok bisa.
Mereka 'mencalonkan diri' bukan 'dicalonkan'.
Udah beda kan? Jelas mereka pengen kekuasaan atau harta bukan mensejahterkan rakyat yang seperti mereka sebut sebut.
Banyak juga orang yang FAKE, bisa ditunjukkan dengan minta edit foto dan sebagainya dan sebagainya.
Oh come on! Be yourself pakdhe, jika FAKE yang kalian ajarkan kepada kami. Apa jadinya Negeri ini?
Dan juga yang jadi pertanyaan saya, apa bisa orang yang lumayan berumur berpikir idealis? Mereka pasti mikirnya nyari duit buat keluarga, bukan buat kesejahteraan rakyat.
Dan satu lagi, kayaknya program program mereka nggak ada yang buat anak muda, nggak asik banget.

Nah itulah lika liku para politikus yang saya temui. Semoga hal hal kecil tersebut bisa jadi cermin bagi diri kita sendiri, terutama saya sendiri. Tidak ada maksud untuk menyinggung pihak manapun. Yang setuju alhamdulillah, yang nggak setuju ini negara demokrasi kan? :D Fell free to leave comment. Thank you~

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013


Hi there, I just decide to moving on from her (MC) . And I'll say my last goodbye on 26th July (her birthday).
I think that would be a perfect birthday gift :)
And I want to give her my artwork, but it's not thought yet.
Okay, this time I want to share my work.
My friend ask me to create a banner for his business.
So this is it my work. Fresh from the oven

Yeah it's not "WOW" but this is my best and I'm proud of it :)
Hope he like it :)
This is pretty pretty simple.
I've read any article about design, the say simple is better.
If you have any criticism about this (my) work, feel free to leave comment.
Thank you and bye~

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013


If I could write you a song, I'll do.
If I could built road crosses to your mind, II'll do.
If I could draw what I feel, it would be the worst abstract picture.
If I could understand the way you think, it never happened. Cause I don't understand mine.
If I knew what I've to tell.
It's like walking on the what I never expected.
Big dream, unreach, keep dreaming!
When I feel a little bit relieved, suddenly something bad comes and bad slap in the face.
UUfffhh, that's really bad feeling.
Everything comes without any instructions.
Good thing comes, it feels like just a blink of eyes.
Bad think comes easily, but gimme a long last effect.
Leave inside me for a long time.
Long enough to makes me feels so down for a week.
I'd never abandoned, but sometimes I feel so lonely.
I've got so much love from my family, but I want to love from another one.
I've watched some movies, the story can makes me happy or sad.
In the real world, I'd never felt that way.
Everything seems flat.
Did everyone feel the same?
If I could reach you, Marielle.
If I could forget you, Marielle.
If I could find someone who fill this empty part of me.
If I could fix this bad feelings.
If I have some interaction with you.
If I could find someone.
If I could make my dream come true.
If I could make it happen.
If I could say it clearly.
If I'm not me
If I'm a different one.


tried and tried but didn't get to you
won't you even mind just once?
but i don't want you to be little bit confused
i just want you to know
that i'm here, and then there again
you're all i hear
makes the heavy life ahead of me
breathe out with my sigh
i won't get tired of waiting up for you in this conditions
you know i'd love to see
i'd love to hear
i'd love to hope

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


Hi Marielle, today I just got a big trouble. This is about my job. There's a customer complaint me about my work, I did some mistakes so I should pay it with my salary for 2 weeks. Oh my. D: Well, at the first time I heard that, I feel so down, and in the couple moments I feel that everything's gonna be okay. This night, I just realized that those thing is so bad. My God D:

And it's getting worse when I think all of my dreams about you are USELESS. I feel I never reach you. We're so different. You're so far away.

All these things made me feel I'M NOTHING. Nothing I can do. I can't do anything. Well maybe I need someone to talk to, someone who understand. But who? I won't makes my Mom feel this burden too. GALAU is the term that match with this fuckin' situation. If you were me, what will you do?

This is the useless thing if I want to find someone to talk to because I know no one visit this blog. At least I can suspire  It makes me a little bit relieved. Good night Marielle.

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

To: Marielle Cortez

I'll keep You on my mind, but I won't think about you 'till I can't take this anymore. And then I'll show you how much I need you every single second that God gave. Well, I miss you already. Why did I choose this way? Because I think you won't care, even though You already knew and I told You in many times.

Well maybe it's silly to love someone I've never met before. But You got me heart. It's seems so hard to showing you what I feel about You or even  talk to you trough those social media . I sent my regards to You, but I never knew did You read all those thing or not, because You never take any action for something that I sent.

Yeah, I am a stranger. If I was you, I'll do the same, I won't talk to much to a stranger, I knew you just take a watchful action, you never know who I am, maybe I'm a bad guy, or I just a spammer machine. But this heart ain't a machine. I feel those thing to You. Of course I want to forget about what I feel about you because It's silly and maybe those things annoying You. I want let you feel a 'lil bit free without all of my writings that sent to you, but the joy of music hold me back to thinking about you.

Just let me know if You read all of writings that I sent to You. Maybe it will make me more relieved. Maybe You need to know that I built a couple huge dreams, but I realized when I made it's blueprint I wasn't to try to built a dream, but I tried to reach you. My dreams are to reach you.

I'm sorry for this rude writings, I'm sorry for my bad English. But let me know if You read all of writings that I sent to you.

Haha I don't know how to tell you all these things so I wrote it here. Hope You read and answer what I want to know. :)